Month: August, 2014

Brave Daniel

27 August, 2014 (12:33) | News |

Also, remember to diagram his book so that it reaches a climax, which must be built throughout the book. Another aspect that must be determined is the view that you want to use to write her book. You can opt for the first person narrative, which is perhaps the most easy to use style but […]

QWERTY Version

27 August, 2014 (08:19) | News |

Two years later, namely April 19, 2000 came a new version of Windows Mobile called Palm-size PC version v2 Rapier. The new version has been changed the user interface. Already October 4, 2001, based on Windows CE 3.0 operating system was released on Pocket PC 2002 Merlin branded Pocket PC. Its purpose was to support […]


22 August, 2014 (13:04) | News |

THE harassment MORAL as a phenomenon PSICOCOCIAL in organizations in this type of corporate cultures, under the subjectivity that who exercises the authority has all the answers, weakens the Organization and its members. With this attitude acquits liable individual and group, since they assume no capacity in the search for answers and resolution to own […]

The Power

7 August, 2014 (04:50) | News |

Eternal in his lyrics! The reading of Blake s poem London, makes imagines to me setting of such big contextual City and being full of curiosity about urban setting, unrevealed because of circumstances and social conveniences, perhaps the main reason why popular Blake did not become at the beginning of his career a poet. His […]