Month: October, 2017

Public Safety

24 October, 2017 (22:26) | News |

The spiral of violence in which live Peru capital Lima, is not a problem exclusive to these lands. It is a global problem, which is giving in the cities more developed, such as Bogota, Mexico City, New York, among others. Many years ago the city of Shanghai was also very violent, they dominated the mafia. […]

Prevail, But Really!

21 October, 2017 (00:18) | News |

“Dale Carnegie Training published Guidebook for more confidence and assertiveness in the profession assert themselves, but really!” – this is the title of the new 5 strategies for more successful in my career -, Carolin Skiba from the translated book of the international American make training provider Dale Carnegie Training. The reader meets the five […]

Start Changing Your Life Style

10 October, 2017 (17:56) | News |

Hello, ready /a to start changing your life? Antes_que nothing I have two questions to ask you (know as sincere as possible with yourself): 1) are living the way you want to? (2) What you’ve got until now to reach your personal or professional goals? If the answer to these questions is NO, congratulations!, first […]