Die Hard Era
Die Hard era (1976-1988) In 1976, whole cars made a resurgence with Cliff 159, Blade, Noket 168, Kindu and others who made their names with characters from comic. Caine 1, prominent graffiti on line 7 with a whole number of cars to his name, decided to paint a train, 10 cars for the bicentennial. Roger, Chinese 174, Say 139, Tage, Flame 1 and painted each side of the 10 wagons. The train was the city telling the love hate relationship with trying to dismantle the movement. While Caine 1 ends the whole car, made sure to choose the train that would pass throughthe station Yankees Stadium during the second half. The piece began to define New York and when they released the program of Welcome Back Kotter on television aired. Graffiti Tracy 168. In 1977 the ABC TV station showed how riding the subway trains painted by New Yorker pieces and pnut Diablo 2. Lee and The Fabulous Five won the favorable opinions of the people for their whole cars, drawing comparisons to Blade.Among the whole cars and Throw-ups begin a whole new generation of graffiti artists who wanted to get back to the roots of the style and in November 1976 The Death Squad formed by Kool 131, Chair Mr. Jinx 174 and Part 3 with the latter being the first member. In a day of school had put together a training that would make graffiti lettering systems for years. His influences were the old legends of the school and which continued to write: Pel, Riff 170 and Tracy 168. The death of Solid 1 prompted one of the cars painted most important of the 70. As Riff 170 explains: “I was playing basketball when I knew these taggers came with bags of paint, I asked if I would go with them to the depot, told them I had retired. Then they told me they wanted to do a piece for Solid 1 and would be my last train. Contour improvised riff for “Solid, Bot, Pone, the entire piece of Riff.It’s combination of style and inspired teams in this game like TDS, TMT, and Co.
They also saw another sign: train with the worm (how to call a whole car) Doomsday Lee. While the Blade had created his conceptual pieces in 1974 and had his own style, unique vision, the piece of Doomsday Lee seemed to strike a chord resonating with the graffiti and the general public. Lee had just begun. Before the end of 1977, with the help of TF5, he had painted 10 trains of 5 below. Of such attempted Caine 1 the year before Lee circulated train together. Appear in 1978 saw a new batch of graffiti on Broadway: Part 1, Chain 3, Kool 131, Father, Adrock, Fed 2, Tean, Kade.Thus began the second war of styles, here are groups with high quality parts, Zephyr, Repel, Flin Top, G-IZ, SO3, P13, SOE, PEO, Crime 79, Baby 168 and Babb, among many others. The MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) in New York began its relentless fight against graffiti. It was called the graffiti as buffs (enthusiastic) and began taking steps such as installing new fences more sophisticated in the garages of the subway cars, wagons coat resistant paint (white elefant’s) and increased vigilance. This decline starts making graffiti. Some tricks to graffiti looked forward with this particular struggle.Others searched for other alternatives, one of them was crossing the Atlantic en route to Europe, raising awareness of this subculture in the old continent (this fact is one component of the subsequent diffusion of this culture in the old world, apart from other , especially those favored by the media). Apart from the particular war with the MTA, there appeared a factor antagonist and also contributed to the decline in writing. The crack that takes over the Big Apple and top it off this lethal drug did not come alone, but brought everything that surrounds a black market: violence and money. It was a time in which a firearm was something available to anyone, that somehow changed the mentality and spirit of many. We are beginning to enact laws restricting the sale of paint to young people, are forced sellers to keep the paint under lock and tightened penalties for graffiti taggers.Not only have the authorities against, but the company itself and even the media (often through political campaigns) began to turn against them. Emerged brigades and even neighborhood associations that promoted graffiti campaigns, posters. Ads appeared on television and in newspapers trying to realize the evil that the graffiti occurred in society.