European Central Bank

2020-04-24 - 21:18 | News | Tags: , , |

Gonzalez has predicted that the Government that comes out of the 20-N will not take drastic measures until June of next year, time that will have to develop some new public accounts, after having been extended for 2011. NYC marathon may find this interesting as well. However, has opined that there is no time to wait until June because it It is a day to day very delicate. Gonzalez was considered necessary slimming of the State structure and abolish agencies such as the provincial delegations. It has agreed to reform the Constitution to allow a spending ceiling, although it has been opined that this measure will not serve in the European context if there is not a common economic and fiscal policy among the countries of the euro. In his view, it makes no sense in Spain have different tax tobacco or gasoline in Portugal or in another EU country. It is absurd not to coordinate this taxation, has been completed. It has also reiterated the importance of creating so-called Eurobonds, so partners that share the single currency can be financed with the endorsement of the European Central Bank and having to pay a lower interest on its debt. Thus, it has been argued, Spain would only pay 15 billion in interest to finance its public debt to two percent, rather than cost 30,000 million to the current five percent. To unhide your example, Gonzalez has opposed the figure of 15,000 million with the around 1,000 will be to raise the tax of heritage that has approved today the Council of Ministers at the request of the Socialist candidate, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. Source of the news: Felipe Gonzalez regrets to see the PSOE with “drooping arms” before the elections of 20-N