Federal Constitution
The Military Service consists of the exercise of specific activities played by the Armed Forces? Army, Navy and Aeronautics – and will understand, in the mobilization, all the incubencies with the National Defense. In the evolution of the nationality – our history is full of dignificantes examples – for diverse times, Brazilians had been convoked to empunhar weapons, participating of a conscientious Army of its institucional responsibilities in the defense of our Nation. At the beginning of century XX, inadiveis necessities had imposed to the Nation to normatizar procedures and to adopt carried through routines until then in empirical way. The structure of the Military Service, with agencies spread in all the Brazilian territory, is based on an ample legislation, with high feeling of history and the national traditions. The Federal Constitution, in its article 143, it establishes that the Military Service is obligator, in the terms of the law. As main legal instrument, the Law of the Military Service (Law N 4,375, of 17 of August of 1964) and its Regulation (Dec N 57,654, of 20 of January of 1966) fixes the norms, the procedures, the rights and the duties of all the Brazilian citizens, in what it refers to the installment of the obligator Military Service. The Direction of Servio Militar (DSM) is the agency of support technician-normative, in charge to direct, to guide, to co-ordinate and to control on activities to the Military Service, in the scope of the Army, all the domestic territory. The process of functional ascension in the military career differs from practical the existing ones in the too much institutions. The ranks and the graduations of the military are indispensable, not only in the war, but also in time of peace, therefore they translate, inside of a specific etria band, responsibilities and the necessary qualification for the exercise of the positions and of attributions that them are corresponding.