When reading the Biblical book of Ezequiel chapter 37 that it speaks of the valley of the dry bones, we see that manifest God if and if discloses in particular to each one of us for the Word. It does not imitate nobody: each one in the direction that God it of. He augurs: it in accordance with gives voice to the Word of God, says. ' ' Here it is that today I put ahead of you the blessing and the curse; The blessing, when to fulfill to the orders Mr. your Deus, who today you control; However the curse, if not to fulfill to the orders Mr. your Deus, and to turn aside themselves from the way that I command today you, to follow others deuses that not conhecestes.' ' Deuteronmio 11:26 – 28 With the wisdom that God grants in them, choice between the blessing and the curse that is ahead placed of us all the time.
' ' said to them: IDE for the whole world, you nail evangelho to all creature. Who to believe and will be baptized will be saved; but who not to believe will be condenado.' ' Landmarks 16:15 and 16 For where you to walk, know that the mission of Christian is to nail the Evangelho to free and to save the people. He does not share more with the people its failures, ahead places everything in confidence and faith of God! It is the God of impossible, the capable one to make much more of what we ask for or think. Beyond the fact of that when we say and we emphasize the failure, we are exaltando the devil! It stops with this! ' ' It said me to E: Son of the man, porventura will live these bones? I said: Sir GOD, know you it. It said then me: It augurs on these bones, and it says to them: Dry bones, I heard the word Mr. Thus GOD to these bones says you: Here it is that I will make to enter in you the spirit, and you will live. I will put nerves on you and I will make to grow meat on you, and on you I will extend skin, and I will put in you the spirit, and you will live, and know that I am you.
' ' Ezequiel 37:3 – 6 Profetize and will know that God is you! It of the new life. It augurs the blessings disclosed for Mr. through the Sacred Holy Writs on its life and on the life of the people, this places in them in foot. On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini. Renascida in Christ since 2004, scholar of the Evangelho, writer, administrator of companies, accountant, specialist in marketing. It visits articles of the writer on the walked one with God in: ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '