New York
The Brazilian government comes implementing some lines of direction in the economic policy that, that shy and exactly insufficient, they have stimulated the exportation and the internationalization of the biggest Brazilian companies. The increase in the credit facilities of financing to the exportation through the BNDES and of the Bank of Brazil, as well as the expansion of the international activities of the proper BNDES or the APEX (Brazilian Agency of Promotion of exportations) comes facilitating the work of the Brazilian companies. The politics most visible of this process is the performance of the BNDES in the direction to form the National Champion calls, that is, destines great volume of resources for merger and acquisitions of foreign companies for national companies, in competitive intention to form company world-wide level, what it comes getting success, although the critical pertinent constants and of aiding of determined companies and concentration of some sectors, in detriment of the consumer. The result of this is the increasing investments of Brazil in the exterior, also alavancados for the recent movement of depreciation of the dollar in global level, becoming more interesting the external assets. According to Report of the UNCTAD (2010), ‘ ‘ The flows of capitals that had left Caribbean Latin America and had increased 67%, reaching US$ 76 billion in 2010, the strongest regional progression in mundo’ ‘. For Casanova (2009), the period after-2003 inaugurates the one global phase going of the main Latin American multinationals, in special the Mexicans and Brazilians. If in years 1970 and 1980 the investments and the international performance of the company of the region were essentially limited to the exportation the markets with bigger cultural proximity, in years 1990 the company had consolidated its domestic performance, saw acquisition of asset in the bulge of the process of liberalization and privatization of the neoliberal years. Phase after-2003 is the one that presents more favorable conditions for the Latin multinationals, whose activities still are concentrated in the region, to expand its operations in global level.
This phenomenon still lacks of more solid bases of support. While Chinese companies and native of Koreas count on a solid state strategy of competitive formation of company, with measures of financing, promotion of the exportation, logistic, fiscal exemption, among others, Brazil not yet presented a strategical plan permanent similar. Our companies still run aground its international pretensions in the call Brazil Cost: deficient infrastructure, precarious and insufficient system of support and financing to the exportation, high banking interests, deficiency of qualified man power, among others. It does not have one politics of State, of support to national internationalization of company. Yes we have measured governmental transitory, that falls in the esquecimento to the end of the mandate. In this manner, we enter in a new phase of internationalization of Brazilian companies, who already are, not rare, world-wide leaders in the sectors where they act. This in virtue not only of the favorable performance of the Brazilian economy and the Latin American market in recent years, but also in virtue of expertise accumulated by the company since the beginning of the process of esportao of products and services in years 1970, process in which the government had a shy influence, when compared with other States in development ways.