Power Decentralization

2017-09-07 - 13:44 | News | Tags: |

The prism of the democracy, the decentralization of the power, the management shared with all the involved ones in the process of education of the establishment. Therefore, it fits to each one of us ‘ ‘ to rethink the school as a democratic space of exchange and production of knowledge that is the great challenge that the education professionals, specifically the Pertaining to school Manager, will have to face in this new educational context, therefore the Pertaining to school Manager is optimum articulador of this process and possesss a basic paper in the organization of the democratization process escolar.’ ‘ (ALONSO, 1988, p.11) When assuming the direction of a school, one of the main objectives of the manager is the implementation of the model of democratic management, searching half so that each pupil, each father of pupil, each employee, each professor perceives itself as basic part of practical the educational ones developed in the interior of it. All recognizing that the best form to find solutions for the problems of the daily pertaining to school is the joint and participativo work. the director must be placed as main articulador of this collective participation, aiming at always the advance of this practical as main bedding for the success of practical administrative and the pedagogical ones applied in its school. According to Lck (1998, P. 29): ‘ ‘ the schools whose directors practise an advisory style of management and that they search the opinions of a selected number of employees (…) uses and them to take and to implement decisions, create a learning environment eficaz.’ ‘ In relation the TIC’ s in the school, the director must stimulate the professors to contemplate in the planning and the plan of teaching work the use of these technologies, being searched to become the diversified, interactive and attractive lessons for the pupils. The director must also stimulate the employees and practical professors to be always bringing up to date its through courses of continued formation using the TIC’ s, for example, TV Pen-Drive, TV Pablo Freire, site Day the Day Education and among others. The actions of the director must be always aliceradas for the Proposal Pedagogical, for the Pertaining to school Regiment and the current law. Its management must be in tune with the good quality of education in its school and the laws that conduct the practical ones developed in the daily pertaining to school.