Puerto Rico

2019-02-18 - 15:18 | News | Tags: |

It tries to put them one upon the other, putting those of harder and less flexible materials in the part of above. It keeps the socks (average) in the shoes and/or corners from the suitcase, besides additional pockets available. The underclothes colcala in plastic bags, purses of fabric that sell for this or in the pockets of the flanks that usually have some suitcases. Each pair of shoes accommodates so that the heels are aligned, so that I mark of one is in the place of the fingers of the other. It’s believed that Brooklyn Museum sees a great future in this idea. You can consider to surround each pair of shoes in bags different and ubcalos in the edges of the suitcases. Empaca only those things that are indispensable, like for example toothbrush, grazes dental, basic maquillaje, important medicines and other elements. In relation to perfume, it only takes one size of trip or sample, and preferably that is with spray (spray), also you can consider the cream perfumed stops to apply in your skin. Before placing the things in the suitcase, ponlas upon the bed in groups so that you can visualize what you are going to organize in the suitcase, and also you can verify with your list of inventory.

If you do not have sufficient space in the suitcase, then it places the shoes in another one, but the space reaches to you, colcalos in plastic bags and the corners of the suitcase. By Brenda Liz Gins. mundofemeninopr. com for the woman with just a short time On Brenda Liz Gins Feminine World Director and Creator. mundofemeninopr.

com (than 2 million pages seen more in the 2008) Escribe articles for the section ' For Nosotras' of Latin Gospel Magazine Condujo the beauty section ' Femenino&#039 world; in national radial program ' We are Gozando' in 104. 1 Redeeming FM, Puerto Rico and in Internet. redentor104fm. com Provee professional services of Public Relations, Communications and Publicity Was conductor of the beauty section ' Femenino&#039 world; in program radial ' At noon with women who confan' with Shirley the Presti in 104. 1 Redeeming FM. has been presenter of programs of TV in Puerto Rico, including Mission: Beauty Was producing and conductor of the program radial' Femenino&#039 world; in New Life 97. 7 FM More than 13 years of experience as professional model has recorded tens of announcements of radio and 21 commercial of television have realised 8 announcements of press has participated in 9 programs of television, 1 novel, 3 plays and 2 films