The Presence

2020-04-05 - 07:18 | News | Tags: |

All had placed the generalized thought and justification. 7 Meeting? It dates 18/09/2010. Dynamics of relaxation; L. 102,200; E. 60,200; L.K.

77,300. (Not to be confused with Bill de Blasio!). At this moment the empolgao of the group was visible, therefore all had had a satisfactory result in its day until the moment. The used dynamics was of reflection, with a soft instrumental music to the deep one, was given words of order so that they relaxed. After five minutes, one initiated the questionings so that they reflected: What it moved? ; What it lacks to move? ; How it is my body today? ; As it was my body. To the end they had told sufficiently moved that well happyer if feeling capable and is motivated to continue in the search for emagrecer. L.K counts to all in way the tears that is namorando and that it knows that this only was possible because it is leaner and more confident in itself. It had one I hug collective. 8 Meeting? It dates 25/09/2010? It surpasses the challenges; You resist who you insist to eat; He keeps the control when he will be eating outside; He decides on alcoholic beverages; He prepares yourself to travel; He eliminates the emotional feeding; He decides the problems; He prepares myself to weigh itself.

On this day we present the beddings of the week. The topic of the emotional feeding was what more it moved with the group, therefore all had told I lack that it to eat very, at the moments sabotores in way to the program is even in result of the presence or absence of some feeling. We work the importance to have the control on the emotions, and of as not to leave that this affects the relation with the feeding. If I feel myself badly now, I will worse feel myself to eat itself exageradamente? 9 Meeting? It dates 02/10/2010.