The Presence

2020-03-22 - 05:11 | News | Tags: , , |

And it is that all people have fear ever felt in his life. And given that those are different according to their cultures, that is exchangeable at the global level. We can talk about the Spanish fear of the American fear of Russian fear and now I return to allude to what’s different cultures, that define one country with respect to another so it is convenient to come into knowledge that every person possesses his fear, that is personal and not transferable. While adults teach to the minors to be afraid, there always will be seeds of violence nested in their poor hearts. We have to get used to be more in contact with our toddler hope for tomorrow, take them in hand and to walk to all fours around the dining room table, and help them to be useful and instructive to others when they reach adulthood. Desterrad sympathizers words: comes the coconut!, look at those ghosts!, what comes the guard’s! We all need that we want, and, since then, the children. Filed under: shimmie horn.

The presence of the toddler in our lives is, and becomes, an unrepeatable experience hard to forget. hard to forget. And is that all human beings are born, in principle, with seeds of kindness, rationality and generosity. But, at the same time, develop our hearts seeds of hatred, xenophobia, cruelty and violence inside (the animals killed by hunger, but the men/women kill for pure pleasure sad and pure) pleasure!). When we commit cruelty against children, turning them into broken toys of lifetime.Ashley Montagu wrote: learn to speak costs us many months. Learn to love can cost you years. No human being is born with hostile or violent impulses, and nobody becomes hostile or violent without taking the time to learn it. It is undoubtedly true that we have some fear of global warming, international and domestic terrorism, to embark on a journey abroad where we can be abducted to achieve a succulent ransom, to drop you above any evil bomb lost in space are so many fears with what live! And it is that fear is free.