Month: April, 2018

Young Poets

29 April, 2018 (06:18) | News |

In our modern world there are still romantics who write poetry. Some do not even just her lover! Much to the dismay of many of them we have not seen and not heard their work. They do not show on television, not read on the radio, do not print in newspapers and magazines. Modern poets […]

Disciplines Have Practical And Theoretical Aspects

23 April, 2018 (13:56) | News |

These disciplines proposed by Senge (1992), are: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, systems thinking: Table 6 The Five Disciplines of organizational learning. Theoretical and Practical Aspects (Senge, 1999) Disciplines Practical Theoretical Aspects 1. Systems Thinking? Conceptual framework which integrates the other disciplines. Referring to the concern about the processes no longer deal […]

National Front

10 April, 2018 (04:41) | News |

In the 50s increased migration to cities due to the intensification of partisan conflict (liberal-conservative) that were vying for power. The conflict that was expressed from the 30s as a result of social tensions escalated after the death of Gaitan on April 9, 1948 and acquired different characteristics in different regions of the country. Guerrilla […]