Antonieta Maria

2014-05-29 - 06:26 | News | Tags: |

She congregates some units in red books of hard layer, with great, simply PRETTY golden letters! They seemed princess books! I do not remember as or why one day my father brought one of those jewels for our house. My God! I passed years reading and rereading it! I knew through it Bach, Lizt, Mozart, Beethoven, Antonieta Maria, New York, the nature exotic of Africa …… and very, much more! It was a magic book! Today, I do not have it more, but I still feel lacks of that compendium of culture, literature, music among others many subjects that brought. About this moment, I think how much ' ' ELA' ' it must have been brave with my father, for having forever defalcated its gorgeous collection! _Tia, pardons it! The book was a non-separable partner during my infancy until the adult phase. To remember to me of it provokes in me the will to continue to want to know, to know, to read more and. Another fact, was together with to see it in my party of marriage Aunt LOURDINHA, non-separable! How joy! I invited only who I loved for that party that marked a change of behavior and life.

We had three hundred guests more than. However, mine they had not passed of forty people. Therefore, by me those had only been invited that had made difference in walked mine! Those that had always made me to believe that the life was and are a commemoration! When I think about AUNT MARIZA, I think about bolhinhas of Champagnhe: PRETTY, LIGHT AND GLAD AS IT! Congratulations aunt so so wanted! Of in such a way shy niece one, been silent but that it observed to it and it admires in everything. Anglica