Central Museum

2020-04-26 - 10:41 | News | Tags: , |

Consolidated Regiment arm, three rifle companies – guns, three rifle companies – Machine guns, artillery company – carbines behind his back, a company of tank crews and pilots of a company – a pistol, a company of engineers, signalers and cavalry – carbines behind his back, cavalry, besides, – checkers. 7. Arrive at the parade front commander, and all army commanders, including air and tank armies. 8. Consolidated Regiment arrive in Moscow on June 10 this year, having thirty and Six combat banners most distinguished themselves in battle formations and units of the front and all captured in the fighting military fronts, the battle standards and units of the enemy, regardless of their number. 9. Ceremonial uniforms of the regiment to be issued in Moscow.

To get to the parade, it was necessary undergo a careful selection – to its members very high requirements. Not just the exploits and achievements, but also the appropriate form of a victorious warrior, and that growth came – for the parade and it matters. After careful selection lists were compiled and formed units that were sent to Moscow. To participate in the Victory Parade with special military honors Victory Banner was sent to Moscow to accompany him were selected most deserving. After the parade, the Victory Banner was handed over to be deposited in the Central Museum of Armed Forces of the USSR. Construction of the Victory Parade was determined IV Stalin, a common line of active fronts, from right to left. On right wing was built regiment of the Karelian Front, and then Leningrad, on the 1st Baltic Front and so on.