The Dramatic Problem Of The Water In Venezuela

2018-06-19 - 12:41 | News | Tags: |

Increasingly becomes more serious the problem of water in the country, done that already has touched us face, especially when interrupting your service and remains several days without that element so important in our lives, so necessary and which should be paid the attention necessary to avoid problems that can be derived, not just protest to the Government for the lack of attention that is the dispensing this situation, but because that element is required to survive. Reminds us and quotes Omar Montilla, in Venezuela every inhabitant consumes an average of 400 litres per day and is 13 producer of water in the world and 6th in America, but we face a huge imbalance, because 60% of the population is chipboard in 4% of the national territory and the dramatic major sources of water dulce are not always close to urban centreswhich means the transport and the loss of a significant flow in the path. In Venezuela the population is concentrated in the shaft Center-North-coastal and water resources are they are on the shaft Apurinoco (Orinoco and Apure), which includes the most rivers in the country like the ring, the Caura and the Caroni. In Venezuela, the 98.09% of Venezuelan rivers flow into basins (94.44) Orinoco River and the Lake of Maracaibo (3.65%) Gives us in this regard Rigoberto Andressen that despite the huge volume of water that exists on the planet, 1.41 billion km3, only 2% is freshwater, most of which (around 87%), found in ice caps, glaciers and groundwater, and 13% (2000 km3) is the amount of water available, located on riversLakes and other bodies of fresh water. Indeed, the little water available that there are a lot of them are this polluting, very little attention has excused him to that fact and consequences begin to feel around the world and since then at the national level. .