This trend implies in side by side placing more productive activities and more people, in a space that it is holding more than what it can. The consequncia of this is saturation of this space. However, the persistence of this trend compels the advance of the antropizao (understood as the result of the action of the Man on the Nature) of spaces of entorno more immediate of these consolidated areas already. This is made to the expenseses of the surrounding spaces, most of the time, spaces with a dispersed standard of occupation, directed toward the exploration of farming activities, whose markets would be the great urban areas and regions metropolitans. Or of natural areas, until then, intocadas. This process of continuity of concentration of activities and people in consolidated areas requires expenses in bigger investments each time. As these resources they are scarce, has a dispute between the great urban areas and metropolitans and the urban centers of lesser transport, with the delay of these, delay this each bigger time, to the measure that in we move away from the great urban areas and metropolitans to them. with this, does not sobram many resources for integration and joint of the lesser urban centers, causing that gamma of malaise? previously mentioned? that it bothers the citizens, and whose cause is attributed the sectorial factors, but whose origins derive from the forms as the territory comes being busy. The growth of population and productive activities in the areas in expansion, mainly, most remote of the territory and more distant of main the great urban centers tends, also to the antropizao of areas, until then, intocadas. If these areas in expansion if find to the areas metropolitans relatively next and of the great urban centers, the trend will be the meeting enters the consolidated areas in expansion and areas already, forming one continuum urban-metropolitan, where the malaise felt for the majority of the citizens will be intensified.