Billion Kilowatt Hours

2015-09-12 - 17:02 | News | Tags: , |

Tips for a clean energy consumption with low cost includes the electronic communications balance of average Germans per day 54 minutes * in social communities such as Facebook, up to 30 minutes * on the phone and about 83 minutes * before the computer or laptop all with the primary goal to share with family, friends, acquaintances or work colleagues. Alexander Schlosser white overall the German households per year consuming 35 billion kilowatt hours for the operation of its information and communications equipment, by the Technical University of Berlin. He is currently working on behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency on a major study on the subject. The approximately 875 kilowatt hours and over 200 euros are per household electricity costs. The figures show: the modern means of communication are an indispensable part of life for many of us.

It is evident, if the power goes out, as most recently in New York at the hurricane Sandy. Or, if we look at the presents under the Christmas tree. We all need energy. And we consume it like as an example of the new communication devices and shows the intensity of their use,”says Florian Henle, co-founder of the eco-energy provider Polarstern. The company is committed to a world’s conscious energy consumption and consumption. It offers nationwide as the first exclusively 100 percent green electricity and 100 percent eco gas. Also helps to generate even alternative energy with which they cook, heat and illuminate the rooms can Polarstern for each customer each year of a family in a developing country. Today and in the future energy is the key to a higher standard of living but only if we considerate and intelligently deal with it”, Florian Henle is convinced. More devices, more energy must not be unfortunately the purchase and the use of new additional communication and entertainment technology driving annual power consumption.