Code ATC

2015-07-27 - 08:49 | News |

you owe yourself the benefits of for your digestive system This system was instituted by the World Health Organization, and has been adopted in Europe. The code contains the system or body acting on the fitness pharmacological effects, therapeutic indications and the products drug’s chemical structure.
ATC code within the group A corresponds to the drugs on the digestive system and metabolism.

Medical News health Today
A new U.S. study showed that a higher intake of calcium is associated with health care a lower risk of total skin care cancer body cases in women and for both men and women, it was linked to lower risk of cancer of the digestive system, colon and rectal cancer in particular. your wellness and fitness are the center of the products made by will add to your life
Lexington Clipper-Herald supplements
(ARA) – It may fly in the face of everything your mother taught you about health, but not all bacteria are bad. Some can actually improve your immune and digestive health.
Women with higher intakes of calcium appear to have a lower risk of cancer generally, and both men and women with high calcium intake have a lower risk of colorectal cancer and wellness other cancers of the digestive system, according to a report health in the fitness February 23 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.
New York Times
A large study reignites a long-running debate over whether cardiovascular dietary calcium can prevent cancer of the digestive system, experts said.
