The goal of education is the virtue and the desire to become a good citizen. Plato introduction is necessary to redefine what should be the role of postgraduates in their different disciplines in the Venezuelan public universities in order to ensure academic and research excellence that in recent years, in some graduate, such as those concerning the social and economic sciences, even in engineering leave much to say. It should not be forgotten as stated in Wikipedia, which is called the postgraduate studies or post-graduate specialization studies subsequent to the Bachelor’s degree, i.e. that it is a level of education that is part of the upper type or third cycle. It is the last phase of formal education, has as mandatory background undergraduate degree and includes studies of specialization, master or master, doctorate and post-doctorate General information, background, considerations in respect of postgraduate studies, it gives us, that graduate education is defined as the systematic process of learning and intellectual productivity in an institutional context, individuals with a professional degree, carried out in order to opt for an advanced academic degree (Morles and Alvarez, 1996;) Morles, 2004). In accordance with article 2 of the regulation of postgraduate studies leading to academic degree (UPEL, 1989), postgraduate studies: are aimed at deepening the knowledge of a particular area of knowledge, with a degree of greater than professional specialization; train high-level resources for teaching and research, as well as the exercise of technical functions to support teaching, in accordance with the requirements of the educational system and to the needs of the country; and to contribute to the scientific exchange with other universities of Venezuela and foreign institutions. Their backgrounds are located in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century, with the creation of the University of Berlin and with it, the Ph.d. in philosophy (Ph.d.), as the title of highest academic rank, which was obtained with the approval of seminars, courses and public scrutiny of a dissertation or thesis product of an individual, and scientific research under the guidance of a teacher or tutor expert.