Theater: Objectives

2020-04-23 - 19:56 | News | Tags: |

It does not have nothing better of what involving in them when we attend a teatral part. Each situation apresentanda and we there are, thinking that directly is said for us. The theater has this objective. To awake feelings, making with that we involve in them with the boarded subject. Diverse companies have adopted the theater in the SIPAT as a form of assisting the awareness in the prevention of accidents. She is common the companies every year to carry through the SIPAT that is one Week Internal of Prevention of Accidents in the Work This week is presented diverse activities so that the employee has an adequate training to its reality to prevent accidents. Already she thought about learning a little on DST and AIDS more alone that of teatral form? At least already she imagined? A so delicate subject how much this and we learn smiling. When we involve in them with what it is presented in them, better we have resulted and today the theater in companies is a success that is bringing many results for companies.. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from New York Museums.