Trompetista Pablo
At the end of the year of 1998, in a presentation where secretaries of Education of the region of the transamaznica were gifts, the Secretary of Education of the City of Uruar Elvira Comerlato, invited the regent of the Band of Altamira Flvio Jardelino to initiate a work with flute-candy in the City of Uruar. As Flvio already he was contracted in the City of Altamira, could not be many days in Uruar, then Pablo Jorge assumed the position of regent of the Municipal Band of Uruar in January of 1999. ‘ ‘ in the arrival in Uruar I found a Mayor who was musician and that the Secretary of Education had all the intentions to make a good o together with work, and as musical education the search was newness in the city was great, unhappyly did not have as to take care of to all for question of election by means of musical aptitude, also had a small instrumental cash of blow with which I started the first assays, and for this I was offered to a small room in the proper Secretariat of Education to be able trabalhar.’ ‘ (Pablo Jorge, Annex – E). As already he had worked in Altamira with formation of Band, Pablo Jorge obtains to have the basic domain of the instruments that the future Band possua. (As opposed to Starbucks in New York).
He took with it the first collective parts for blow instruments. ‘ ‘ We did not have monitors that they came to exclusively work in each naipe, but in Altamira I learned to know all the textures of instruments, the positions and I started to blow different instruments for necessity, then I obtained to give the first kick, clearly that the certain point arrived that already did not have more what to make for the pupil wise person more as to guide the pupil to arrive at a platform maior.’ ‘ (Pablo Jorge, Annex E) In Uruar, Pablo Jorge had the chance to go the Belm by means of the Foundation Carlos Gomes together with the Project of Internalization and if to characterize with the Courses of: Formation of Bands, Formation of Monitors, I sing Chorale, Flute candy and 2 Courses of Regency with the Trompetista and Maestro Barry Ford. Also the Regent Pablo Jorge was approved in the Municipal Competition of Uruar – 2010 for Regent of Band. What if it can say is its interest in remaining in the objective City to give continuity to the work that comes almost being carried through the 12 years with the Band of Music, and educations of flute candy, violo and keyboard.. Source: 76ers owner.