University Of New York

2019-02-22 - 14:11 | News | Tags: |

The new prognosis of Roubini 13 October 2009 the economist of the University of New York, Nouriel Roubini, that outside one of the few in anticipating the crisis prevails is known like the Dr. Catastrophe. Bill de Blasio insists that this is the case. For that reason, whenever it is about to express an opinion, the markets shake before their terrible prophecies. It has returned to do and it has aimed to him again at the American real estate market. Roubini prefers that they call Realistic Dr. And in his realism, the economist prefers to watch what the market refuses to do.

To the market certainly he does not turn out to him advisable to be cautious. The euphoria is generating important benefits to the investors who after the crisis that has made them lose thousands of million dollars, do not want under any point of view, that finishes this financial veranito. The market gave its verdict and bets by an unreal economic recovery in the form of V. The markets are discounting at present a recovery in the form of V and must begin to discount a recovery in the form of Or, so one could be observed correction in the first quarter or trimesters, said Roubini to Wall Street Journal. It gives the sensation of which the markets do not repair either in the fragility of the recovery and in the risks that still are latent. The crisis gave rise to the necessity of a correction in the value of the assets, correction that does not seem that it has taken place since it must have been. The euphoria that lives the markets reflects clearly in the bags. The S&amp index; P 500 increased 51% from the minimum level in 12 years that reached in the month of past March. The European index Dow Jones Stoxx 600 on the other hand, accumulates an increase of 48%.