Working Democratic Party
It stops beyond its paper of scrutiny relatively to the governmental shares and the decisores politicians measured, them is the main source of information for the public in general in what it respects to the science of the climatic alterations. Given the immense importance of the substance in cause, one is about a paper of great importance and enormous responsibility. The development of the new technologies and globalizadas nets had expanded the power of them measured the whole world. No democratic government can measured ignore them. But the power and the responsibility nor had always walked together, (Report IDH ONU, pg 67). I besiege in it of the Working Democratic Party of the state of Rio De Janeiro? PDT-RJ, and has an controversial text on an article that journalist Kamel published in the periodical the Globe There, where: … defends the thesis of that the great periodicals choose relatively equal guidelines, therefore is objective and technician.
As in everybody developed, in Brazil also it would be thus. For Kamel, the Globe, the Leaf of S.Paulo and the State of S.Paulo, always detach the same subjects because it makes use of trained journalists who know to recognize in an examination of the facts what she is excellent and what she is not. Therefore, this homogeneity would not reflect the dictatorship of the only thought, but the victory of the exemption and of the professionalism … However, this is not a prerogative only of the media in Brazil, as world-wide example below is to manchetes in relation to the resignation of Cuban president Fidel Castro, of the site – The New York Times on Fidel Castro: ' ' Not only it remodelled the society Cuban, but it inspired leftists in the Latin America and other parts of mundo' ' – Washington Post' ' The announcement locks up the reign of a man who not only survived the nine presidents of the United States, but also its benefactors of the former Soviet Union (…) ' ' ' ' (…) it remembers that the Cuban had said previously that waited that its brother, Raul, sucessor' was its; '.