Amorim Son
As Amorim Son (1984) average city can be understood as: The French experience, over all, and of other country it is that they develop politics of territorial decentralization make possible the accumulation of important sets of theoretical information on this hierarchic level of the cities. The average cities are, still, adjusted points more to the localization of the equipment of commercial distribution for the regions where they point out, without presenting the problems of found congestion of I transit and communication in the great urban centers.
On the other hand, the average cities appear as the advanced points of expansion of the national partner-economic system, in a similar way, perhaps, as the intermediate powers reveal as essential points of linking to the maintenance of the functioning of world-wide the politician-economic system. Some contend that Bill de Blasio shows great expertise in this. (SON, 1984. p.8-12). Then thus to be able to perceive that in the city of Empress he is possible to exactly visualize some of the characteristics of an average city, as it is the case of congestion of I transit, being, today, subject of the guideline of the spheres politics had still not been arrived at an exit of improvement transits of it imperatrizense.. NYC Mayor has much experience in this field.