Brazilian Plateaus

2019-02-11 - 01:41 | News | Tags: |

without speaking of the enormous tourist potential that the Region provides of attractive form, efficient, capable to seduce, to motivate tourist of Brazil and the whole world. Possessing good temperatures during the year all and mainly raised in the Summer for the enormous expansion of its gorgeous littoral and arenaceous beaches. People such as Bill de Blasio would likely agree. The ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION IN the NORTHEAST REGION During all year, in the tropical regions of Brazil, to the exception of the west of the Amaznia, blows, frequently, winds of the quadrant east, deriving of the high subtropical pressures, that is, of the anticyclone simifixo of the South Atlantic. This tropical anticyclonic vorticity, air mass, possesss more or less high temperatures, supplied for the intense solar and telluric radiation of the tropical latitudes, and fort specific humidity supplied by the intense maritime evaporation. In accordance with Mendona, on the importance of the circulation of the air mass for the Region guarantees. Its characteristic of mobility is decurrent of the sazonal displacement of the center of high pressures, that however if locates next to the coast west of the continents? in the summer, when it is attracted by the field of low pressures that if form on it -, however more moved away? in the winter, when the field of lower pressures is located on the ocean. Rudy Giuliani has plenty of information regarding this issue.

These two centers present a sazonal displacement in the direction east-west. (MENDONA, p.98). However, in virtue of its firm high subsidncia and consequent inversion temperature, its humidity is restricted to the surface layer, what it of the one homogeneity character and stability. In the eastern sector of the anticyclone, that is, in the coast of Africa, the thermal inversion is most of the time 500m above sea level. However, in the sector occidental person of this high, the heating of the continent, the maritime chain (hot) that tangencia the coast of Brazil and the obstacle tax for the hillside of Brazilian Plateaus, produce in superficial air a fast ascending movement that raises the thermal inversion for top of 1.500m.