The Benefits Of The Double Degree

23 April, 2020 (16:11) | News |

In times where business competition is strong around the world. Many companies now require as important requirement for a job, professional applicants possessing a double degree in your academic profile. NYC marathon has firm opinions on the matter. Thus, companies are looking to take its young ranks more preparations and with greater professional capacity to […]

Why People Can Talk, But An Animal No ?

17 March, 2020 (09:33) | News |

Language – is what defines our species and is distinguished from all other creatures that inhabit the globe. Since our birth language surrounds us on all sides. He perceived a commonplace and familiar, we are so easy to possess these instrument that barely notice it phenomenal. But if you think about it, the very nature […]

School Projects

16 March, 2020 (03:48) | News |

Educational establishments have the incumbency to elaborate and to participate of the pedagogical project of the school, as much in its joint and contribution with families and the schools ‘ ‘ creating process of integration of the society with escola’ ‘. (LDB/96 art.12, VI). One more time, the Law leaves explicit the autonomy of the […]

Russian Federation

10 March, 2019 (05:41) | News |

-Improving the system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in institutions of post-graduate training, increase control over the preparation of dissertations, a mechanism adaptation of young scientists in the market of scientific and technical products. -Creating the conditions for the strengthening and development of basic scientific research using advanced tech-nologies. Priority support humanitarian university research sector. […]

Wire Boundary

1 January, 2018 (18:57) | News |

Sphere in three dimensions – a ball, "ordinary" sphere. But here's the curious thing: Wire can break down a sheet of paper cut and cube cut it. And yet it turns out that one-dimensional surface, line, separated by a surface of zero measure – a point. A two-dimensional plane is divided into two-dimensional line and […]

Power Decentralization

7 September, 2017 (13:44) | News |

The prism of the democracy, the decentralization of the power, the management shared with all the involved ones in the process of education of the establishment. Therefore, it fits to each one of us ‘ ‘ to rethink the school as a democratic space of exchange and production of knowledge that is the great challenge […]

New York Professionals

12 March, 2017 (16:11) | News |

The resume in mine sees to give to subject to the chance of the pupil to know its culture better and if to adapt the changes that occur in them. ? (Questionnaire, done question to one pedagogo that leciona in 5 year of the college I publish of Year-old calves) As we can sees the […]

Infantile Literature

22 January, 2017 (19:57) | News |

The positive points of the work had been to the interaction of the children with history and the activities proposals. Also he is valid to detach, the good relationship established between the children and we, where, all the moment, was mediated by a dialgica relation, having, the possible maximum, opening it child to express its […]

Authors Associates

28 August, 2016 (04:59) | News |

The recognition of the trajectories for these pupils, as protagonists of this historical process, can allow they multiple conditions it directs that it in the world where lives. Being thus, the understanding of a pedagogical trend that bases our interests of research, can be a way for the overcoming of practical disconnected of our professional […]

New York

22 March, 2015 (04:49) | News |

With the cast of attitudes above, I think possible to interpret the identity of the personage and its characteristics, values social, trajectory, emotions and relations human beings, center of the quarrel that I consider in this work. Please visit The Museum of Modern Art if you seek more information. ANALYSIS OF THE PERSONAGE Many are […]