Classic Ballet
A Ballet is my sport and is it makes who me to dance Of a side for the other Without nor leaving the Funny place, turns, turns More does not lose itself to earn. Some disagree: – Ah! That Bobagem More in the truth Is that they do not know That who dance, rests Therefore it alliviates stress Without no change. People if tire More remember: They never lose the hope! In the Ballet it dances since child, Until who has ' ' medo' ' on the scale Alone it depends on who has confidence. It has people that she finds that the Ballet is lame thing More is why the true and pretty Necessary dance of force and courage had never danced and to go beyond its capacity and never to give up, until arriving palcos we of the Bolshoi. The Ballet people loves the Ballet people adores well-taken care of More in the palcos, You can take a fall of the hour well! At last! The true dancer is that one that if dedicates and it does not bind for discourages who it!