Green Building
Ecological building and construction ecology definition the term ecological building is sufficiently known to be from two terms together. First, the composition makes necessary a precise definition. Because the ecology as a relationship and interactions between organisms and their environment already includes the built environment, caused by the construction. Others including Bank of New York, offer their opinions as well. Therefore she can be used build without the additional word for the same purpose. So just the explanation seems to be it is also when the two terms be considered holistically. The word building indicative of buildings, cities, streets, etc. refers to a special area in the ecology and who accepted and has become in the last hundred years, with the largest proportions by a far-reaching intervention in the regional and beyond environment of importance during the last thousands of years continuously larger proportions.
The first defining essence is the feature that sets the built environment as part of the overall environment and the second is the Connection, that at the same time identifies the man as a living being and Builder. Because it creates habitats and affects not only his, but the entire environment. This science is always more complex, because not only the current relations and interactions to should be observed, but also those of the future. A detailed explanation of what is ecological building, is therefore important. Often special and therefore subordinate issues with ecological building be equated in literature and the discussions or mediated understanding. This is not correct and therefore misleading. The commonly used terms such as energy-efficient construction, space-saving building or sustainable building are this way, to cite just a few examples. They are topics of ecological construction and belong to a few areas in it.
Green building includes many other topics and subjects, which have been recognized for the part not as such and treated. Be holistic and largely looking at the relationships and effects but obvious and verifiable. Insgesamt gehoren zum okologischen Bauen folgende Themen und Fachgebiete, die wiederum in mehrere Teile gegliedert werden konnen: a) Grundflache mit Flachennutzung, Flachenversiegelung etc. b) Baustoffe mit Baustoffgewinnung, Baustoffverarbeitung etc. c) Energie mit Energiegewinnung, Energienutzung etc. d) Mikro- und Makroklima mit fur Menschen selbst und fur andere Lebewesen etc. e) Luft mit Luftverschmutzung, Luftreinigung etc. f) Wasser mit Gewinnung und Nutzung von Trink- und Brauchwasser etc. g) Licht mit Tageslichtnutzung etc. h) Gesundheit mit physischen und psychologischen Themen etc..