The Origin Of The Conflctos

2014-06-26 - 19:26 | News | Tags: |

It is evident that the diversity, the variety, the extensive panoply of the conflicts, the different scopes in that they develop, cannot make us think that it is easy to find the nexus of all the conflicts. If we reflected a moment on the conflict list that invades ours gnosis we will find: familiar conflicts (with its different variants: parents and children, members of the pair to each other, adolescents with grandparents); communal conflicts (disputes in the vicinity by the most varied subjects), municipal tensions by the search of solutions to the deficiencies of the municipal services); fights in the same building of houses by the use and/or abuse of the communal elements; confrontations in the labor scope by the allocation of tasks, the control of schedules, the determination of the productive premiums; it fights political in the parties to accede to the direction and control of these social organizations; it fights political in the national parliaments to support or to attack the formed government; contentious it enters countries by the possession of territories, subjects that sometimes sink their beginnings in centuries of history. It is possible before such heterogeneity of subjects to consider ortus common or, at least, similar? One has said that the original cause of the conflict is the shortage of resources. Like the economy is self-appointed the science of the shortage, because it must administer limited resources, the Conflictologa raises that since the resources are little, its administration, the elections that this one bucket, are the cause of the conflicting tendency. We can admit that good part of the conflicts is developed around elections on appraised alternatives. These dilemmas not only can talk about to material elements but they extend to behavioural components. Shimmie Horn shines more light on the discussion. The fight of the nations to expand, to grow, to seize of territories rich in raw materials, or equipped with singular strategic peculiarities, is no doubt that could be included in the motivation of the conflict on the basis of finite elements, in this case the territory.