
2019-04-06 - 03:56 | News |

Later in each query monitoring scoring the gestational age, and evaluates the increase in weight, blood pressure, blood glucose levels both before as 2 hr after breakfast, fetal status etc. Depending on the quarter of the quarter in which the patient is the quotes are: in the first every 3-4 weeks, the second every 2 to 3 weeks and the third weekly. All patients are invited to join the Group of self-help and self-management of diabetes in pregnancy, which in addition to being an educational program, allows us to in the form of interactive workshops influencing insulin application techniques, emotional, medical or factors other measures that are negatively participating in achieving the necessary optimal control in pregnancyas well as serve as a vehicle of integration to the patient with his family and other people who are going through the same situation. The Group counts with the participation of medical and paramedical staff of Endocrinology, internal medicine, Nutriology, psychology services, Nursing and Social work. Treatment: According to current medical criteria, the goal of treatment in pregnancy, is take the levels of fasting blood glucose less than or equal to 95 mg/dl and the posprandiales of 2 hrs.

less than or equal to 120 mg dl. Studies conducted worldwide to date, have concluded that these levels decrease the risks of fetal macrosomia and breathing difficulty and mejoran complications both maternal and fetal prognosis in terms of its chronic complications. However this control optimum, so necessary in pregnancy, particularly, in this subgroup of diabetics, is very difficult to achieve, since as I mentioned before, these patients are very labile regarding their glucose levels and tend to present pictures of hyper and hypoglycemia even on the same day. Is for this reason that the monitoring of your blood sugar levels in intensive form, through the outlet of glucometrias both before and 2 hours after each food It acquires great relevance, practically throughout the entire pregnancy. rience with these questions.