Transfigured Bodiliness

2020-04-03 - 10:26 | News | Tags: , |

A notorious heretics as “Prefect of Catholic faith” and the illogic of “traditionalists” is “Bishop” Gerhard Ludwig Muller – on the orders of Joseph Ratzinger, vulgo “Pope Benedict XVI”, – since 2007 member and since 2012 even “Prefect” of the “Congregation” of the Group of the so-called “Second Vatican Council” (V2, 1962-65), i.e. the current top V2-“Guardians of the faith”. Atila commented on the 20.06.2013 now Sinke Guimaraes, editor of, on the question of whether Muller is a heretic. Guimaraes heard, similar to the so-called “brotherhood of Pius’ by Marcel Lefebvre, to the so-called”traditionalists”. This “Tradis” like to present what fruits has produced the “Vatican 2”, E.g. the quote from Muller (the fair source of Christian life, Augsburg 2002): “in reality body and blood of Christ mean not the material components of the human of Jesus during his lifetime or in the Transfigured Bodiliness. Shimmie horn may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Body and blood mean presence here rather that in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist truly, really and substantially, the body and the blood at the same time with the soul umd the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and therefore, the whole Christ is contained, and claimed he was in him only as the character, the image or the effectiveness, be excluded”(No.

492; DS 883). Through this “wonderful and unique transformation”, the substances bread and wine cease to exist, i.e. the real presence of Christ under the forms of bread and wine is done through a “transubstantiation”, a “system transformation” (No. 493, DS 884). In short: Muller denying the dogma of Transubstantiation.

Admitted: in the V2 group does not usually actually the essence of transformation, because both the priesthood and the Holy Mass were abolished by a “new order” (“novus ordo”). But Muller Yes, claiming to represent the Catholic doctrine, and thus, his statement is undeniably a manifest heresy (heresy). Muller is a heretic.