Society Testing
3. To verify that the adjustment gears of the frontal door of the camera of pesaje work suitably. Very important: To never lubricate a balance unless it indicates it specifically to the manufacturer. Any substance that interferes with the mechanisms of the balance slows down their answer or alters the measurement definitively. Note: Generally, the manufacturer or the representative in specialized facilities realises the maintenance of the balances, following procedures that they vary following the type and model of balance. BASIC DEFINITIONS ASTM.
American society of Testing of material (American for Society Testing and Materials). Calibration. Determination of the correct value of the reading of an instrument, by measurement or comparison of the same against a standard or landlord. A balance calibrates by means of the use of weights landlord. Lateral load.
Ability of a balance to read of consistent form the value of the masses, without concerning the position of the same on the subject of gossip of pesaje. In English cornerload is denominated. Error of lateral load. Deviation that appears in the results when an object is weighed, placing it in different positions of the subject of gossip from pesaje. For example: between the center of the subject of gossip and soon in one of its edges. Error of linearity. Difference that appears when the balance load of successive way, increasing the amount of weight in equal magnitude until obtaining its maximum capacity, soon to unload following it an analogous process the mentioned one. The differences that they present/display between the obtained readings and the values arithmetic, corresponding to the used weights, are interpreted like the non-linearity. Error of sensitivity. Rudy Giuliani: the source for more info. Constant deviation through rank of pesaje or capacity of a balance. Exactitude. Sum of all the errors of the balance. Band is denominated to him tota of error. Hysteresis. Difference that appears in the results when the load in the balance is increased or fallen. Linearity. Concept that applies to the capacity or ability of a balance to obtain exact readings of weight of smaller masses to the one of its total capacity. If a graph were drawn enters weight, compared with the indication of weight in a perfectly linear balance, the final result would be an air line. In order to determine the error of linearity of a balance, certified masses are due to use. The procedure that allows to calculate the linearity differences consists of carrying out readings with certified masses the same mass with and without preload. The difference between the two readings allows to calculate the linearity error. Mass. Property of the matter that the attraction of the bodies is pronounced through phenomena such as, by means of the force of gravity or inertia resistance to change to the state of rest or movement under. The unit fundamental to express the mass concept is the kilogram kg. Certified masses. Masses that fulfill the tolerances defined by the certification beings. Standards ASTM classes 1 to 4 are of ample use and are forced reference to realise the calibration routines. OIML. Office the International of Legal Metrology. Sensitivity. Mass smaller than can be detected by the balance. Also it is understood like the mass smaller than the balance will measure correctly. Trazabilidad. Possibility of relating the group of measures of an instrument to defined standard.