The Problem
7 Are autoconfiantes and assume the responsibility. They do not have fear of the guilt and they do not lose time complaining. It takes the decision and it follows in front: One it has debated on professional profiles, the representative of Human resources of world-wide a leader company in the drink segment, to the being inquired on a professional characteristic that it considered to be basic, without titubear, answered in high and good tone an only word that still echoes in my ears: ' ' T I T U D E' '. I believe that this tip passes basically for this characteristic. To have attitude means to mobilize a series of mannering abilities and techniques in highly positive way (and the word here, is synonymous of practical character). I do not know or I do not remember myself to have heard to speak of some collaborator who has been punished for a positive positioning.
' ' What foi' happened; ' this, this and this, on account ' ' of this, this and this ' ' e, so that not it happens again, the proposal is ' ' this, this and essa' '. The focus must be in the Solution and not in the Problem. The positioning and the consequent speech must be proactive and not reactive. They think about this. When pronouncing a commentary, writing an email or to carry through an action, is asked: I am contributing for the solution or the problem? I am assuming the responsibility proactively or I am, reactively, with fear or complaining of something? 8 Relaxem, keep its perspectives and they do not take decisions for impulse: Let us remember us of the famous history of ' ' to count at10' ' , ' ' to wait stocking hour and to answer that email that provoked its ira' '. It functions.